All accessories are sent directly from the partner that makes or distributes the item.
As such, items from different partners in the same order will incur separate postage costs. We think the delivery of your order should be prompt and fairly priced, so we work with all our partners to minimise costs and shipping time on standard items.
Delivery on standard items is normally within seven working days (but often much quicker), and within 30 days for custom made items. Many of our partners offer next-day services if orders are placed before 1pm. However, as we have partners shipping from all over the world, selling weird and wonderfully shaped products, prices do vary from partner to partner and from item to item. P&P charges may be included in the delivery cost. Please check the delivery details as listed on the specific item.
You will be notified by our partner when your order is dispatched. Occasionally factors outside the control of our partners can delay your order after dispatch. Your patience in these circumstances is greatly appreciated.
Please note orders may be slightly delayed over the bank holiday, please allow extra time for delivery. We thank you for your patience at this time. Standard Returns Policy
All orders of standard items can be cancelled (for any reason) for a refund or exchange.
Please check your items on delivery. If you wish to return an item, it should be returned to our partner seller directly and not to PetsPyjamas.
This can be found via:
For standard items, you have 7 days, from receipt of goods, to notify our partner and you must return goods at your own cost within 14 days of receiving the item.
If you wish to organise a return, exchange or refund of any item, please contact the partner seller concerned through the “My Orders” link in your PetsPyjamas customer account.
For damaged\faulty items, you must contact the partner seller concerned within 48 hours through the “My Orders” link for the relevant item in your PetsPyjamas customer account. You will then be issued with return guidance from the partner.
You must return items unused, in a saleable condition and in the original packaging that you received them with (with any labels still attached). You should use a ‘signed for’ delivery method and obtain proof of postage.
Please note any exemptions and exceptions to the standard returns procedure, where the following items are likely to be non-returnable and non-refundable: personalised\customised items, perishable products (such as food), grooming products, large items of furniture which are often custom made and custom homewares.
Please make sure you understand the relevant partner sellers' returns policies whenever you buy.